11:30 AM Thursday, CDT | Orientation for Networking 3.0, the new standard to build your career. Free. No reservation Required. Distributed by YouTube and LinkedIn.

Here is great advice for job interviews from a renowned screen writer and a retired TV host and a recommendation to differentiate yourself.

First the screen writer: “Never tell the viewer something they already know.” 

The prospective employer has your resume and access to your LinkedIn profile. Focus your messaging, beginning with your opening answer, with information the interviewer doesn’t know.


The prospective employer has your resume and access to your LinkedIn profile. Focus your messaging, beginning with your opening answer, with information the interviewer doesn’t know.

Second, the TV host routinely completed each show by asking panelists, “Tell me something I don’t know?”  

Guests who wanted to be invited back, did their homework and delivered.

The lesson today is that answering questions using relevant stories is like telling the employer something they do not already know.  This approach is the type of brand differentiation that can make a big difference in your job search.