Save the date. LIVE at 11:30 AM Thursday, CDT for this week’s free Lunch & Learn.

Our focus this week will be on Networking 3.0.

Traditional networking, also known informally as “booze and news” networking, is dying a fast death. In today’s market, you must be more strategic, and more precise. Save the date. John will see you LIVE at 11:30 AM on Thursday on YouTube and LinkedIn. Get ready to take your networking to the next level and claim your free Networking 3.0 workbook.

Today we are on focusing on questions you should ask the recruiter when you get the first call to arrange a screening interview.

  1. Have there been any changes to the job summary?
  2. Can you share any additional insights regarding the hiring manager’s preferences? 
  3. Verify whether the call will be on the telephone or a video call.  

Once the type of call, date, and time are duly recorded, the most important question is 

4. What is the scheduled length of the call?

Length is vital to help plan your responses.  It will also give you feedback; if the call ends sooner than planned, that is usually a bad sign. 

Do not allow the call to run over because your answers were not focused. 

Remember preparation is critical to success.