Young executives or professionals who are pursuing careers they did not want, to experience a special kind of pain. Parents, do not force your kids down that path. Visit JohnGSelf.Com for more information on our career/job search courses.

 “I want my son/daughter to be a banker, a doctor, or lawyer”.

Those are common hopes for parents whose career choices for their children are about presumed status and financial security.

Bravo for wanting your kids to achieve a comfortable future, but do not lose sight of the Law of Unintended Consequences — status and compensation produce many benefits but, satisfaction and happiness are not always included.

In my 28-year career in global executive search encountered dozens and dozens of young men and women who were pursuing a career path they did not want but felt pressure from parents to continue a legacy or to realize an unfulfilled dream.

Do not make your legacy about forcing your children to do something they do not want to do.

After interviewing thousands of early and mid-careerists I have seen the damage that of unhappiness can inflict.