Guiding Your Career teaches job seekers how to become the applicant employers want to hire. Visit JohnGSelf.Com for more information.

Strategic networking is about meeting new contacts that align with your career plan. Whether at a reception in a crowded hallway, it is vital not to let these contacts who might be critical for your next job search slip through the cracks. The person you forgot you met or did not follow up with could be the connection that facilitates a critical deal-making introduction. 

Here are two technology tips to help make networking easier by eliminating easily misplaced business cards and napkins with ink-stained notes.

StayTouch allows you to tap a colleague’s telephone and exchange your contact information – an electronic business card. The app is free.

Ever forgotten a great idea or failed to follow up on a hallway meeting because you did not write it down? With Braintoss, you easily record a message or write a note that will automatically go to your email. 

There are others. Share your ideas.