If your career is stuck in the mud – the same old job with the same old duties at the same old salary – there are three steps you can take to jumpstart advancement.

  1. Develop a career plan that will be your roadmap for more responsibilities and increased compensation. 
  2. Accelerate your performance as part of your career plan.  Meeting your annual performance objectives is just a minimum.  You must exceed your bosses’ expectations with output and attitude.  Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful tools there is.  An enthusiastic employee with a can-do attitude who consistently exceeds performance expectations and who volunteers for special projects will advance in most organizations.
  3. Demonstrate your commitment by pursuing additional certifications or training that will add value to your skills tool kit.  Online learning can provide a cost-effective solution.

You are not entitled to a job.  You must earn it to get it and work very hard to keep it.