Looking for a job can be a lonely gig.

I know how it feels.  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Your friends and business associates all have jobs.  Their life is good, but unless you have networking meetings or interviews scheduled, you work alone, usually from a makeshift home office. That makes it more painful.  You are on the outside of your professional life, looking back in.  OK, but let’s talk about how we can fast-track a solution for you.

Here are my three job search essentials:

  1. Be disciplined – Your old job required discipline and provided you with a routine. OK, but you have a full-time job – looking for a new job.  That requires the same amount of discipline and consistency as any other job, perhaps even more.
  2. Be aggressive. Most of the great jobs are not listed on the internet.  So, you must be assertive in expanding your professional network. Networking will get you to the table.
  3. Practice your interviewing skills. That is how you will win the job, and this is where most people stumble.

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