Play this 60 S video to a vital insight

It all begins with understanding your value and, secondly, learning how to use your stories to deliver a compelling and memorable message that reaffirms the most important of all questions:  Why should we hire you?

When you enter the job market, you must know what recruiters and prospective employers are looking for.

Michael Margolis, respected storytelling consultant and author of the excellent book “10X”, believes that companies today are placing a high value on creatives — people who exude uniqueness and individuality. 

It all begins with understanding your value and, secondly, learning how to use your stories to deliver a compelling and memorable message that reaffirms the most important of all questions:  Why should we hire you?


So, if I ask you today how you plan to communicate those qualities, what would you say? What narrative will you present?  What stories will you use to communicate those ‘soft skills?  How will you integrate with those other strengths the employer requires? 

It all begins with understanding your value and, secondly, learning how to use your stories to deliver a compelling and memorable message that reaffirms the most important of all questions:  Why should we hire you?

Are you ready to tell your story?