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JohnGSelf P:roductions

Career disruption – terminations and layoffs – is part of our new normal.

You can’t stop it, but you can plan for it.

Here are three issues you should address in your career plan:


Here are three issues you should address in your career plan:

  1. Understand your Value:  Develop a focused statement describing why a company should hire you and keep you. Zero in on what you do for the organization and how it benefits the enterprise.
  2. Personal Brand Development:  This is more than your reputation.  It is also about market awareness.  If no one outside your employer knows your value, you will be on the wrong side of the curve in a disruption.  You must embrace ongoing networking and sites such as LinkedIn to broaden your appeal.
  3. Finance and Family: If you lose your job, how will you deal with the mortgage, other household expenses, and prickly relocation issues. If you live in a small market, the possibility of an unplanned relocation must be addressed. Be strategic, be transparent.

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