Here are the keys to success in the job interview, according to recently placed JohnGSelf + Partners’ clients.

Of course you must meet the selection criteria, and you should have a verifiable record of accomplishment, but in every job search there are dozens of executives who fit that bill.  Why does one qualified person get chosen over another? Five of our career transition clients who have found jobs since November 1 share their insights:

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  1. Preparation – Candidates who arrive for the interview poorly prepared for a job interview is a frequent complaint of executive and corporate recruiters.  There are two levels to preparation:  knowing the company – its markets and challenges, and being able to deliver focused, succinct answers on core and categorical questions.  Our clients report that being well prepared was an important key to their success. Preparation led to confidence which produced a better exchange.  Excelling in the interview helped them win out over crowded fields of other applicants.  
  2. Enthusiasm – Enthusiasm, passion, high energy — these are things that employers and their recruiters want to see.  This is the foundation for being able to sell your value.  The interview is no longer about you impressing a recruiter or the hiring authority that you have the professional chops to do the job,  you must sell them on why they should hire you, our clients say.
  3. Your Value – Early in the interview, you must be able to connect with the interviewer.  Understanding your value and being able to link that with the employer’s needs brings clarity and a good bond with the interviewer, they report.  Explain what motivates you as well as the values you learned growing up that define who you are today.  Our clients said that using this technique enabled them to build rapport from the first question during the site visit. 
  4. Close The DealFailure to articulate that you want the job and why you want it is one of the most common mistakes job applicants make in the interview process.  Our clients report that proclaiming their continued interesting the position and summarizing why they will add value to the enterprise in the exit or concluding interview was critical to their success.

For more information about the JohnGSelf + Partners plan to help you accelerate your job search, contact us at, or call John directly, 214.761.5472 Ext 101