By John G. Self, Career Advisor & Executive Coach
In more than 25 years as an executive recruiter, and now as a career coach, I have never met an executive job applicant that did not have an interesting story that, when well-told, made him or her a stronger applicant.
I have met dozens upon dozens, if not hundreds, of executives who mistakenly convinced themselves that they did not have any experiences from their earlier life that would make them more interesting.
What a shame. For many, a story, well-delivered, could have made the difference between success or failure in their job interview.
If you think you do not have an interesting story to tell. Think again. If you continue to hit the brick wall then hire a coach who specializes in teaching executives who how to be a good storyteller in the job interview. I assure you that it will be a worthy investment for your future success.
On yes, I almost forgot to share a little side benefit to becoming an adept storyteller. Some of the best leaders in business are effective storytellers. They say that talent has been integral to their success.
Learn how to tell your story more effectively
Join John G. Self and Chrishonda Smith, CCDP, SPHR, of OhioHealth in Chicago in March for the American College of Healthcare Congress. They will be leading an in-depth session on interviewing skills for senior executives.