I read a handful of blogs on the topics of social media and marketing on a daily basis.  Over the years my core list of go-to blogs has varied a bit, but there are a few that provide such valuable information and insights that I never veer from them.  That core list includes Jay Baer’s Convince and Convert and Social Media Examiner.  Both published articles this week that I thought were worth sharing with the Self Perspective readers.  They are relevant for not only me as a social media professional, but all of you as employees and/or job seekers.

The first post I want to share is titled How To Build A Powerful Network Using LinkedIn from Social Media Examiner.  I highly recommend you click on and read it in its entirety, but one of the key points that struck me was this… use discretion accepting invitations.

For so many people LinkedIn is all or nothing.  Either they have a sad profile with little to no information and very few connections OR a fully completed profile using every bell and whistle LinkedIn offers and somehow are connected to everyone under the moon.

It doesn’t have to be that way.  It shouldn’t be that way.

Be smart about who you connect with.  I fully support the idea of building out your own criteria for who you accept invites from and then sticking to it.  However, one word of caution… I wouldn’t rule someone out just because you don’t personally know them.  Look at their profile, the people they are connected to and the companies they are connected to.  Then make your decision.

The other post I found interesting this week was How Google Trends Helps Employers and Job Seekers.  I consider myself pretty adept at doing research and finding ways to reveal great ideas and great content for my clients.  I NEVER thought to use Google Trends to uncover potential themes or ideas and definitely not as a way to research career paths.

Visit www.google.com/trends and then type in a series of search terms relevant to your career path.  It’s really interesting to see what surfaces!

Hopefully you find these articles as interesting as I did and let us know if you have any questions for the new Self Perspective “Ask The Recruiter” by emailing selfperspective@johngself.com.


BeckyHeadshot-lowBecky Pearce is a member of the JohnGSelf + Partners transition coaching team.  Ms Pearce specializes in social media consulting.  She also leads her own Firm, Pearce Social.