Happy July 4th weekend.  

Seth Godin is the father of permission marketing.  He is one of the preeminent marketing authorities in the U.S. He is a trusted advisor, the author of 10 books, and a much-in-demand speaker.  His blog is one the most popular in the world, according to the blog web clearing site Technorati.  

I am republishing one of his recent blogs today because I think it is a relevant post for executives who are thinking about their career or corporate brands. It is an important read for entrepreneurs who are challenging established business models as well as executives who lead entrenched businesses and who have a vested interested in the status quo.   

The sugar cane machine

A small island grows sugar cane. Many people harvest it, and one guy owns the machine that can process the cane and turn it into juice.

Who wins?

The guy with the machine, of course. It gives him leverage, and since he’s the only one, he can pay the pickers whatever he likes–people will either sell it to him or stop picking. No fun being the cane picker. He can also charge whatever he likes to the people who need the cane juice, because without him, there’s no juice. No fun being a baker or cook.

But now, a second machine comes to the island, and then three more. There are five processors.

Who wins?

Certainly not the guy with the first machine. He has competitors for the cane. He can optimize and work on efficiency, but pretty soon he’s going to be in a price war for his raw materials (and a price war for the finished product.) Not so much fun to be the factory owner.

And then! And then one cane processor starts creating a series of collectible containers, starts interacting with his customers and providing them with custom blends, starts offering long-term contracts and benefits to his biggest customers, and yes, even begins to pay his growers more if they’re willing to bring him particularly sweet and organic materials, on time. In short, he becomes a master of the art of processing and marketing cane. He earns permission, he treats different customers differently and he refuses to act like a faceless factory…

Who are you?


While I am certainly interested in building traffic for my blog, I want to encourage you to visit Seth’s blog.  There is a reason it is so popular.  As I start my day, his blog is one of the first things I read.

Click here, visit the site and consider subscribing.

Thanks for reading HealthCare Voice.  I hope you, too, will become a regular reader.   Have a great July 4th weekend.