5 Pillars for Community Trust, Survival

One of the most challenging businesses to run in America is a hospital. It is one of the most complex business models ever devised by man, said Peter Drucker, and it takes a special type of leader to run one, and run it well. When it comes to the complexity and which...

Three Important Words

Over the years, I have looked at a lot of hospital ads, reviewed loads of brochures and newsletters, and read more than my share of annual/community supports. There are three words that are usually omitted from these materials. Trust Accountability Guarantee While it...

Putting Your Followers First

If you are going to lead people, you’d better demonstrate that you care more about them than you do about yourself. So says Don Knauss, Chief Executive Officer of Clorox.  Mr. Knauss was featured in Adam Bryant’s Corner Office in Sunday’s The New York Times....