by John G. Self | Feb 1, 2018 | Career Management, Interviewing Skills
Job candidates cannot show up to an interview, develop answers to questions on the fly, and expect to succeed, especially when it comes to the so-called softball questions they should be able to hit out of the ballpark. Preparation by candidates, which recruiters say...
by John G. Self | Jan 31, 2018 | Career Management, Interviewing Skills
LISTEN ON iTUNES Hello. I am John Self and welcome to SelfPerspective, a weekly podcast with information, insight and inspiration to help you manage your career. Today, two big career management topics: First, we will look at the deterioration of the soft skills that...
by John G. Self | Feb 25, 2013 | Leadership
There are many executives who can master the hard-wired tasks of leadership — developing and communicating a vision forward, establishing goals and objectives, creating processes to hold people accountable, and, ultimately, to execute on plans that yield the promised...