Are You Prepared For Layoffs?

This was one of our most popular blog posts in 2014 and has continued to receive a great deal of traffic this year so we thought it must be worth sharing again.  In executive offices and administrative suites of hospitals all across America, there are some really good...

Will Color Help?

  DETROIT — Will color help?  What about a jazzy design with eye-catching graphics?  Will that pizzazz help me catch the eye of an employer, elevate me to the top of the list, and speed my job search? When it comes to the use of color, clever graphics and nifty...

Resume Advice: Our 5 Most Common Comments

VERNON, Texas — In a highly competitive job market that will only become more so, why would you be content to send out a less than your best effort resume? Our firm is flooded with resumes asking for comments or suggestions.  Some of the resumes are produced by...

Be Prepared To Lose Your Job

When an executive gets the sack, there are two underlying facts: they were caught off guard, or, they saw it coming.  Either way, there is no reason — no excuse — not to be prepared, especially in an era of rambunctious business model reform, consolidation and...