Nothing Is Getting Done

WASHINGTON, D.C. — I don’t usually write about politics in this space.  Today, I am making an exception.  I am in our nation’s capital, working.  That is more than I can say for our national elected officials.  They are playing around, practicing for the mid-term...

President Obama’s Jell-O

John is off today.   The following blog first appeared in July of 2009. Reforming healthcare is one of the most complex, daunting and important tasks of this decade. What began with great hope and good intentions to avoid the reform mistakes of the past is now going...

That Other Potential Calamity for Healthcare

When some public policy calamity strikes, people tremble with fear or anger and they cry out:  “Why didn’t someone warn us?  Why didn’t someone tell us that there were bad consequences?  We do not want this pain!” That is a reasonable request,...