President Obama’s Jell-O

John is off today.   The following blog first appeared in July of 2009. Reforming healthcare is one of the most complex, daunting and important tasks of this decade. What began with great hope and good intentions to avoid the reform mistakes of the past is now going...

This Time It Is Different

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of hospital CEOs who think that, in the end, everything with healthcare reform and deficit reduction will work out and that their lives running hospitals will not be turned upside down. As a consultant whose fortunes are...

5 Ways to Prepare for Healthcare Transformation

This article should serve as a clarion call for healthcare CEOs.        Medicare Cuts will Cost Nearly 500,000 Healthcare Jobs  09/25/2012 | by Hilary Lau | D Healthcare Magazine Mandatory spending cuts to Medicare in 2013 will result in large-scale job losses in...