Every Person, Every Day, Every Time

  WASHINGTON, D. C. — How can anyone work for a health care organization and not care?  Simple but profound words of a Washington, D. C. physician who cares about his profession and the people who entrust their wellbeing to him.  Exceptional Care by Exceptional...

Re-Imagining Healthcare

As the weekend approaches, here is an interesting exercise to undertake.  Imagine yourself as a hospital CEO in a board meeting and the trustees pose this question: Describe a new healthcare system that will result in lower costs, higher quality care, and improved...

A Culture Of Hiding Mistakes?

DALLAS, Texas (April 26, 2009) — As I continue my series of blogs on leadership, I read a story on the HealthLeaders.Com web site that once again brought into focus the important role a health system or hospital CEO plays in setting a leadership culture that...