President Obama’s Jell-O

John is off today.   The following blog first appeared in July of 2009. Reforming healthcare is one of the most complex, daunting and important tasks of this decade. What began with great hope and good intentions to avoid the reform mistakes of the past is now going...

Communication, A Leadership Essential

Communication is a leadership essential. It has always been important, but in today’s fast-paced, connected business climate where superior service and profitability are welded together like no other time in modern history, the CEO—indeed any executive—who is not an...

An Adult Conversation and Other Comments

Random thoughts while wondering if the healthcare industry will take the lead on true cost-saving structural reform or, as usual, wait for someone else (a reluctant Congress)… At midnight on Monday we either filed our taxes or filed an extension.  This...

President Obama’s Jell-O

DALLAS (July 19, 2009) — Reforming healthcare is one of the most complex, daunting and important tasks of this decade. What began with great hope and good intentions to avoid the reform mistakes of the past is now going badly. Sadly, what we are watching in...

Leadership Without Accountability

DALLAS, Texas (Feb. 21, 2009) — Accountability seems to be in short supply these days. Last weekend, CNBC presented a one-hour documentary, House of Cards, a fascinating look at the real estate fiasco that fueled our current economic decline. Reporter/anchor...