The Integrity of a Mentor

After two spectacular seasons at the University of North Carolina, Michael Jordan decided to go pro.  He chose to forgo his senior year and his  degree to enter the NBA draft.  It all came down to an economic decision. He was a certain multi-millionaire in waiting....

6 Ideas For Fighting Age Bigotry

For aging executives, here is the cardinal rule: do not make it easy for prospective employers (and they’re typically young recruiters) to discriminate against you.Sadly true, some recruiters and employers are age bigots.  If you are older than their mind’s-eye...

Parents As Career Mentors

My dad was a hard working business owner.  He worked long hours and had great  success as a retail baker.  He did it, first and foremost, to be a good provider for his family and to help his sons to have a life that was better than the one he had. In his youth and as...

Two Dimensional Mentoring

When I was a 24-year-old crime writer and investigative reporter working in Houston I had no idea what my career end game should be. It was not that I just assumed that I would always work in the news business; I did not think about it at all. Later, as I moved into...