New Role for HIM Professionals

Post filed from Atlanta, Georgia.  John Self joined Stephanie Drake, senior executive director of the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) of the American Hospital Association (AHA) as keynote speakers to the American Health...

Lessons for CEOs From CEOs

Kudos to Joann Lublin, management news editor at The Wall Street Journal, for her excellent work in writing about leadership and other management issues.  Her work is one reason I value my WSJ digital subscription. Joann and I are email acquaintances.   I am a little...

To Journal Or Not To Journal

John Self is off for the week. This post was originally published in December 2008.  Journaling is a trendy sort of thing. I know people who have been doing it, religiously, for years. Others started but did not stay with it. It is like a routine of physical exercise,...

The Train Is On the Tracks

If you are a senior leader in healthcare, I have two pieces of advice for you, do not get too comfortable with the status quo, and do not overreact by preaching daily or weekly “the sky is falling” sermons to your staff, physicians, or anyone else who will listen,...