by John G. Self | Aug 24, 2017 | Career Management, Career Networking, Career Transition/Outplacement
A termination or a layoff is a rattling experience — to your ego, your pride, and conceivably, your financial security. How you manage this dicey period in your career will determine how successful you will be in landing that next better job. Competition for...
by John G. Self | Jan 29, 2016 | Career Management
Most everyone has a job loss at one time or another in their career. Or, asked to resign, fired, laid off or restructured out of the organization. It is inevitable. It is usually not a happy day for the one losing their job. They worry about their mortgage, the...
by John G. Self | Aug 22, 2014 | Career Management, Healthcare
Rebecca was devastated. Losing her job had been a constant thought in the back reaches of her mind given healthcare reform and her hospital’s focus on reducing operating expenses, but she was always reassured by colleagues. She was a top performer with great...
by John G. Self | Dec 18, 2013 | Career Management
Dan is spending this Christmas holiday in a rented town home in suburban DFW worried about his future. Dan, his wife and two kids relocated to Dallas to be near family. They’ve done a major lifestyle shift to preserve his dwindling savings. Dan is a seasoned...