MBA OATH: A Worthy Pledge In Troubled Times

CHICAGO (June 28, 2009) — “…my purpose is to serve the greater good…this oath I make freely and upon my honor.” At first read, I thought these words must have come from an oath for politicians, far too many of whom will eventually succumb to the temptations of...

Credit Report: A Blunt Weapon in Hiring

DALLAS (June 17, 2009) — For years, corporate recruiting executives and managers barely checked candidate-provided references – much less criminal, civil or credit records before making employment offers. Now, in a country known for not finding the middle ground...

HUMAN CAPITAL: Time To Invest Is Now

DALLAS (June 14, 2009) — As I think about the best Chief Executive Officers and senior executives with whom I have had the pleasure of working, there are several qualities that come to mind: their depth of understanding, their attention to detail, their ability...

SWAN DIVE: From the Frying Pan Into the Fire

FORT WORTH, Texas (May 27, 2009) – One of the toughest career management decisions is when to leave your current organization. Chief executive officers, vice presidents, and even department directors all agonize over this call. So many factors cloud our thinking....

The A,B,Cs of Human Capital

New York,NY [November 23, 2008] – So the price I paid for chatting up an unsuspecting healthcare consultant at Chicago’s O’Hare airport while awaiting the departure of a flight was to write an essay on what a search consultant should tell a hospital CEO who wants to...