Is This The Job You Want?

A note to graduate students in healthcare administration:  The career and the career progression you thought you would have are probably not going to happen the way you envisioned it. Consider this scenario:  Dan landed his dream job at age 47. He was CEO of a...

Five Reasons Hospital CEOs Get Fired

This post was originally published on July 1, 2011. Hospital CEOs have their hands full.  They face a boiling cauldron of operational, financial and competitive challenges – any of which could prove career limiting.  Surprisingly, however, many CEOs fail not because...

A Mission Statement With Teeth

A veteran healthcare strategy consultant recently confided that you could not distinguish between the mission, vision and values statements for the vast majority of not-for-profit health systems in the United States. I am not sure whether this commonality is a...

What Do For Profits Know?

I just read another in a rash of articles praising the investor-owned hospital industry, suggesting that they are better positioned to deal with the new normal healthcare economy that is defined by the Affordable Care Act and deficit reduction.  These articles come...

Cycles Not Circles

“I feel like I am running in circles,” a successful Hospital CEO recently joked.  “As we develop strategies to reshape our organization for the Affordable Care Act, I feel like I am revisiting some places I have been before.” Actually, if he had substituted the word...