I Am Thankful

I am thankful. Thankful for my family.    Thankful for my friends. Thankful for my freedoms and deeply thankful to those dedicated men and women who have worked and sacrificed to protect them.  Thankful for my business and the wonderful clients who have followed me to...

To Lead Or Adapt…That Is The Question

Healthcare leaders have two choices as the industry begins its uncertain journey into an era of “reform” and reductions in Medicare and Medicaid funding.  They can embrace the changes and get out in front, or they can stand pat, waiting to see what...

New Era in CEO-Employee Communications

The higher you move up in an organization, the less control and absolute power you have, or so goes an old business adage. You are forced to depend on others to do the work, to make responsible decisions.  When it comes down to affecting relationships with employees,...

The Perils of Conventional Wisdom

Conventional wisdom is a throw away term that gives leaders a false sense of security. It lulls executives into, at best, faulty analysis and, at worst, it produces a career limiting decision.  Only when conventional wisdom victims are packing up their offices...