SWAN DIVE: From the Frying Pan Into the Fire

FORT WORTH, Texas (May 27, 2009) – One of the toughest career management decisions is when to leave your current organization. Chief executive officers, vice presidents, and even department directors all agonize over this call. So many factors cloud our thinking....

Hospital CEOs: A Really Tough Job

DALLAS, Texas (May 10, 2009) – Hospital CEOs have a tough job. Not only do they run what are among the most complex of all American businesses, but now they are hearing the drum beat of criticism concerning their executive compensation at a time when hospitals are...

A Culture Of Hiding Mistakes?

DALLAS, Texas (April 26, 2009) — As I continue my series of blogs on leadership, I read a story on the HealthLeaders.Com web site that once again brought into focus the important role a health system or hospital CEO plays in setting a leadership culture that...