Be Wary of the Fads [PODCAST]

Listen to today’s podcast here, read the transcript below or subscribe and listen on iTunes. A Fad: a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group. Throughout your career, you run the very real risk of...

Do You Have the Right People vs Profit Balance?

When people look at you, do they see a good woman or a good man?  Do they see a leader who cares about you and your success and about being a good leader for you? Over the years I have observed that more than a few executives frequently separate the self image they...

Healthcare Leadership Truths and Fads

In healthcare there are a couple of immutable business truths: Never has a merger of provider organizations resulted in lower costs for the consumer, the claims of Chief Executive Officers notwithstanding. Leaders who put their employees first, creating a culture...