Falling From Grace

Change is hard.  Failing is hard to take.  And for many top executives the pain of failing is the driver that pushes them to change. So says John Chambers, CISCO’s Chief Executive Officer.  “I’d like to say I like change.  I don’t.  I came out of IBM and Wang...

Too Many Chiefs Will Bog Things Down

A popular phrase used to illustrated a wide variety of immutable truths is, “ Too many chiefs, and not enough Indians.” My father, a superb retail baker in the southern style, often said, especially when his business partner/wife tried to control his schedule, “Too...

It’s Not All Bad News

“Brothers and Sisters:  Before we open our hymnals and sing the many grim verses of ‘Now Comes the Hard Part’, the Post-Election Day quadrennial dirge, the congregation is kindly requested to engage in a brief interlude of soul replenishing joy.”  So began David...

Talent Evaluation

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving 2012.  In healthcare, for example, we should be thankful that we have survived, in spite of ourselves, on several important issues, like how we invest in our human capital, or, according to hundreds of hospital annual...

Yes, It Does Take A Village

When then First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, published her book “It Takes A Village,” an analysis of the impact individuals and groups outside the family have, for better or worse, on a child’s well-being, the right-wing pundits chastised Ms. Clinton for...