The Good Old Days for Outplacement…

Like everything else in healthcare, the outplacement industry is changing.  The services they offer are being scaled back based on what health systems and hospitals are willing to spend.  The timing couldn’t be worse.  With the arrival of the Patient Protection and...

You’ll Need a Cool Knock

Once, having a master’s degree in healthcare administration was the golden ticket to a guaranteed job.  Not anymore.  A proliferation of graduate schools, some great, and more than a few that should be closed for failing to provide the quality education an indebted...

Not Just Another Job

Virtually everyone who goes into healthcare does so based on some variation of this theme – to help people, to make a positive contribution to mankind.  Noble aspirations, each and every one.  During my 35 years in healthcare I have come to understand that what...

Change or False Choices?

Change is a constant in business particularly in healthcare where clinical, technology and regulatory developments challenge leaders and managers. Change requires tactical adjustments in leadership – something healthcare leaders do better than most any other...

Spits and Spurts

CHICAGO — Everything goes in spits and spurts.  That wisdom was from my Grandmother Jackson.  Note the capitalization of the “G” in grandmother.  Ms. Cora was worthy of that respect.  She created and she sustained so many wonderful memories of my youth and, day...