Plight of Community Hospitals

There are dire predictions for the future of small community hospitals as healthcare/payment reform and deficit reduction plays out: many will be forced to close their doors. USA Today recently chronicled the plight of Richland, GA, a community that saw it’s 25-bed...

Healthcare Vendors: Be Smart, Add TRUE Value

HOUSTON, Texas — Extending the theme of my Wednesday post, The Future of Healthcare:  Going Out On A Limb, some hospital executives have confided that there are days, weeks, even months, in which they feel like they are caught up in a distracting game of musical...

Market CEO: A New Meaning

Over the next five to 10 years, the term “market CEO” in healthcare will take on a new meaning.  While no one knows exactly how healthcare reform and the impact of deficit reduction will play out on how we deliver care and get paid for it, the trends are pointing to...

Will The Real Game Changer Please Stand Up?

Healthcare executives are primarily focusing on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the next big game changer for healthcare delivery.  They are probably right to focus on ACA today, but this event is only the set up for the biggest healthcare game...