Career Redemption Requires Special Skills

Outplacement is a service that companies provide to employees they dismiss or lay off. Depending on the outplacement service provider, it can range from the creation of a stock, one-size-fits-all resume and some telephone coaching calls, up to 90 days of consultation...

The Integrity of a Mentor

After two spectacular seasons at the University of North Carolina, Michael Jordan decided to go pro.  He chose to forgo his senior year and his  degree to enter the NBA draft.  It all came down to an economic decision. He was a certain multi-millionaire in waiting....

In Pursuit Of Joy, Happiness In Your Career

Today, someone is going to be fired. Whether expected or caught completely off guard, the shock and onslaught of anxiety can be equally devastating. Regardless of how well the company handles the actual termination conversation, more than likely there will be feelings...