If Only I Had Known

One summer, my life changed.  At the time it seemed only like a change in plans, but I was wrong. I remember the events that altered my life and social position as if it were yesterday.  The month was May.  The year, 1965.  President Johnson was in office, Vietnam was...

Falling From Grace

Change is hard.  Failing is hard to take.  And for many top executives the pain of failing is the driver that pushes them to change. So says John Chambers, CISCO’s Chief Executive Officer.  “I’d like to say I like change.  I don’t.  I came out of IBM and Wang...

Moment of Truth

“Check your ego at the front door,” is a phrase popular with some executive coaches and self-help gurus.  The underlying theme, at least in business, for this frequently used platitude is that leadership is not about the leader, but the success of the organization and...

Communicating Through Reform: The Key to Success

The winds of change in healthcare are increasing.  Before many of the Baby Boomer CEOs and members of senior leadership teams retire, our industry will be in a virtual hurricane of challenge and change. New ideas, new regulations, less money and, ultimately, a whole...