
If you are in the job market today and are interested in management or executive-level positions, be prepared for a challenging, time-consuming slog.

While the overall economy is good, executive and management hiring is experiencing what Aki Ito, senior correspondent with BusinessInsider, calls a “white collar recession.” This rare market condition has made finding a management job a miserable, protracted experience, and there are no indicators that it will rebound soon.

Several senior executives who have come to our firm for strategic support to navigate the radically changing job market say recruiters and corporate hiring chiefs have told them that this is as bad as it has ever been. Many executives have submitted dozens upon dozens of job applications to no avail.  One healthcare executive who recently landed a new position said his search took more than a year and more than 100 applications before he got two offers.  “I found my true passion, but this was not what I set out to do.”  He is grateful but hopes never to go through an ordeal like that again.

To read more and to see Active Career Management recommendations to offset this career threat, visit