YourCAREER Community debuts its first weekly Office Hours live stream at 4 p.m. on Wednesday. While this will become members-only content in mid-November, the initial sessions will be open to the public.
Each live stream will feature a subject matter theme, updates on recruiting, talent acquisition technology, and corporate strategies.
YourCAREER Community members can view the stream in the Community section. of the JohnGSelf GuidingYourCareer academy. Once you subscribe on the Community portal, the community page will appear on our course page. Membership includes access to the complete portfolio of our online, on-demand job search and career management courses, which comprise the outplacement curriculum.
Members will also receive significant discounts for our live one-on-one coaching for career strategy, outplacement guidance, and career planning.
We will debut our revised newsletter later this month, along with virtual events, webinars, and more intensive training in the form of job search boot camps.
The monthly membership is $49. This gets you access to all the courses, newsletter, live Office Hours, boot camps, and monthly SelfPerspective interviews with leadership and career management thought leaders.
Other content under consideration is an introductory to management course for new managers, special interest/industry specific meetups and seminars on subjects like the role of faith in leadership