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A strategy to thwart recruiters who ghost applicants
I was ghosted by – take your pick – by the recruiter, the employer, or the job applicant. They all do it. If you are among the .00025 percent of the workforce who are not familiar with the term, ghosting is the withdrawal from all communication without warning or explanation. Recruiters do get busy and forget, but it is still rude and unprofessional.
To be fair, recruiters get busy and forget, but it is still rude and unprofessional.
Here is a suggestion for how you can mitigate this practice.
If a recruiter promises they will get back to you by a certain date, express your pleasure, “Great, this is a job I am really interested in. I have several other things going, but this is the position I really want. I want to keep my options open, so would it be OK that if I do not hear from you on that date, I call back to check-in to see if everything is still on schedule?”
Ghosting sucks, but as the applicant, you need to take some ownership. That is one way to do it.