VIDEO BLOG: 60 Seconds

Producer’s Note: There have been reports that the video in today’s post is not visible to some subscribers. We are working to resolve the issue. If you do not see the video, or it does not play, please use this link to view the video. It is worth the effort!

“Opportunities don’t happen.
You create them.”   Chris Grosser, photographic entrepreneur

Our changing economy continues to unsettle traditional career pathways.  Industry consolidation, the upheaval of business models, and other factors have intensified competition for the best jobs.  Executives and managers are now competing against dozens, sometimes hundreds, of qualified applicants.

Hopefully, you have been building your professional network before you lose your job.  As a wizened executive recruiter once said, “If you wait until you need a professional network to start building one, you’ve waited too long.”

“If you wait until you need a professional network to start building one, you’ve waited too long.”

Executive Recruiter

Not having a robust professional network to support you is a prescription for prolonged unemployment unless you are lucky. As my father liked to say, “Luck comes to those who do not need it.”

Join me tomorrow for Part 2: Your First Steps in Building a Strategic Network.