A frustrated resident of the District of Columbia, angry with city government’s inability to clear mountains of snow from residential streets on Tuesday, called out Mayor Muriel Bowser and her leadership team for their poor performance in dealing with the aftermath of the epic weekend blizzard.
“I think their snow removal strategy is Spring.”
Executives looking for a new job, or those worried that they soon may be on the street, the casualty of cost cutting measures or corporate consolidations, need to think about this:
For the DC Mayor waiting for Spring to rid the streets of the piles of snow could be career limiting, just as hope for the job seeker is a lousy career management strategy.
The rules of finding a job are changing. To be successful, executives and managers need to understand how these changes will require new career management strategies and interviewing skills.
Join Nancy Swain and I at the American College of Healthcare Executives annual Congress at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago, March 14-17. We will be addressing those issues in our session, Job Interviewing Skills: Essential Communication Techniques for Career Management Success. The session begins at 2:15 pm on Wednesday, March 16.
This presentation will change the way you approach your brand, the new rules for resumes and how you now must prepare for job interviews.
The rules of the job search game are changing. Do not hope you can get by using the same resume and approach to interviewing that worked in the past. Chances are they won’t.