So, here is what I mean.
So, in several recent interviews conducted by Charlie Rose, I have heard CEOs, learned academics, policy thought leaders and politicians use the word “so” to begin their answer so many times that even I actually noticed a trend.
So, have you noticed how many people – especially in employment or TV interviews – are beginning their answers with the word “so”?
“So, our net revenue portfolio is shifting based on our strategic initiatives to begin focusing on population health management, ambulatory and pre-hospital services that will yield a higher return on our capital and enable us to deliver on our mission statement for the communities we pledged to serve.”
“So, we have reduced our risk exposure and in the process of chopping away at the multiple of non-performing assets in our portfolio and enhancing the guardrails, we have increased our capital base.”
So, now you get the point of the blog.
Recruiters, particularly those of us fortunate enough to work in the rarefied field of C-suite search assignments for Chief Executive Officers and other senior executives, have all observed the fads in phrasing, or, if you are a human capital consultant trying to impress a client: use consultant-speak shorthand: FIPs.
So, I think FIPs are getting a little out of hand. That said I understand this is the way of the world and my comments today are meant only to call attention to this trend, not to demean the very bright leaders who use these phrases as a PBE – personal brand enhancement.
It is OK to use the fad words or phrases, just do not over use them. Twenty times in a three-hour interview is a bit much. I once met a CEO of a New York health system that spoke in the most beautiful way – he took CNBC business-speak to such a high art form I almost bought in to what he had to say. You know about CNBC don’t you? They are one of the best in business news (read: TV) journalism at perpetrating the flood of fad phrasing.
So, it is Friday. I have candidate interviews scheduled for most of the day and weekend full of work. Gee, only two more work days this week. No, really.
© 2013 John Gregory Self