by John G. Self | Dec 22, 2014 | Career Management, Leadership
You are on the spot. You are one of the top candidates to be Chief Executive Officer of a highly regarded, financially stable community hospital. So far, you feel the interview with the recruiter is going well. Then, without warning, he shifts gears and asks one of...
by John G. Self | Jun 16, 2014 | Recruiting
Traditional human resource departments – those that are transactional in their approach – are like the once popular MD 80 airplane – inefficient and out of step with the times. What was once the transformational darling of airlines chasing efficiency in the 1980s –...
by John G. Self | Apr 1, 2013 | Healthcare
A veteran healthcare strategy consultant recently confided that you could not distinguish between the mission, vision and values statements for the vast majority of not-for-profit health systems in the United States. I am not sure whether this commonality is a...
by John G. Self | Dec 28, 2012 | Healthcare, Leadership
Many healthcare organizations are long on control, short on vision. Almost everyone has a vision statement, but that vision statement is rarely discussed and most employees have no idea what it says, nor do they care. It is not part of the day-to-day life of taking...
by John G. Self | May 15, 2012 | Career Management, Healthcare, Leadership
As I prepare for my speech to the Healthcare Leadership Network of the Delaware Valley at Villanova on Thursday night, I find myself thinking out loud with my team, sharing ideas for brand management in a new healthcare environment. One of the more radical...