by John G. Self | Apr 4, 2014 | Healthcare
There is an epic battle raging in Pittsburgh. Not surprisingly, that city’s 900-pound aggressive healthcare gorilla, UPMC, is at center stage. On the other side, equally not surprisingly, is SEIU, also known as the Service Employees International Union. They are...
by John G. Self | Jan 20, 2014 | Healthcare, Leadership
A recent study determined that the hardest businesses in the world to manage are hospitals — 20 percent tougher than any other enterprise. For health system and hospital CEOs, those results amount to nothing more than a blinding flash of the obvious. While I do not...
by John G. Self | Apr 1, 2013 | Healthcare
A veteran healthcare strategy consultant recently confided that you could not distinguish between the mission, vision and values statements for the vast majority of not-for-profit health systems in the United States. I am not sure whether this commonality is a...
by John G. Self | Nov 2, 2012 | Healthcare
In markets where physicians hold ownership stakes or financial interests in one hospital, and where there is evidence that those same physicians are discharging patients from a competing hospital’s emergency department over to their own outpatient facility to be...