Tis The Season For Reflection

With the holiday season comes all manner of good feelings — for valued colleagues, customers, and stakeholders. We send greetings and best wishes for joy and happiness.   Many will take time away from their families later today and on Christmas Day to minister...

Five Healthcare Trends: Huron CEO Forum

The Huron CEO forum frequently produces interesting insights regarding the year ahead and this year is no different with the possible exception that the CEOs seem to be zeroing in on the issues that will count the most. Gordon Mountford, executive vice president of...

Every Person, Every Day, Every Time

  WASHINGTON, D. C. — How can anyone work for a health care organization and not care?  Simple but profound words of a Washington, D. C. physician who cares about his profession and the people who entrust their wellbeing to him.  Exceptional Care by Exceptional...

Wasted Opportunity

Meetings in Catholic health systems and hospitals almost always begin with a prayer or meditation that reinforces the organization’s religious heritage, its mission, vision and values. No such tradition exists in the vast majority of other hospitals in America. ...

Danger by the Bed

Many parents will identify with this story: You are sound sleep, your back turned to the edge of the bed.  Suddenly you are awakened with a sense of dread that something really bad is standing beside you.  Something really scary.  There is that split second of fear...