This is important information that can help you accelerate your job search in these increasingly uncertain times.

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Most people are not that good at interviewing.  They think they are but based on my more than 30 years of asking questions, they aren’t.

What the vast majority of job applicants do is show up and answer questions.

Seven to 10 years ago, that approach was not a disqualifier.  But oh, how things have changed. 

There is a massive difference between answering questions and interviewing. In answering questions, you are simply providing information. The Art of the Interview is about engaging the prospective employer, or their representatives, with a compelling narrative of why you are the right person for the job. 

People who have mastered the job interview see each question as an opportunity to share information and tell a story of how their skills, experience and trackrecord will meet the prospective employer’s specific needs.


People who have mastered the job interview see each question as an opportunity to share information and tell a story of how their skills, experience, and record of success will meet the employer’s specific needs. 

Outstanding qualifications and experience are no guarantee you will get the job.

You must learn to sell yourself by mastering the art of the job interview.

To learn how we can help you succeed, schedule a free, no-obligation consult with John. No pressure, just information. Schedule your time today.