Got A Minute?  This is Part 2 of the Job Interview

Why should I hire you?

Simple, straightforward question, yet more people fumble, mumble and stumble because they do not know how to forcefully and effectively communicate their value. And that is the whole point of the job interview.

But is it bragging if you are simply communicating how you can help someone solve a problem? 


Yes, I understand; your momma and daddy taught you it was not polite or appropriate to brag.  But is it bragging if you are simply communicating how you can help someone solve a problem?  It is inappropriate if you briefly explain how your experience and consistent record of success can be translated to helping the prospective employer succeed? Of course not.

They are not going to hire you because you need money to pay the rent and buy food for your family. They are not going to hire because you went to the best or most expensive schools, or even that you are more experienced.

No, they are going to hire you because you did the best job explaining why they should hire you.

#whyhireme #understandingyourvalue #sellingyourself #jobsearchtips #criticaljobsearchtip #mostimportantinterviewadvice