Today marks a first for HealthCare Voice: a guest blog posting. Taylor Dardan is a dedicated cancer prevention advocate and supporter of private healthcare. He steadfastly believes that America’s healthcare system in one of the finest in the world and is one of the most innovative and robust market sectors in America because it consistently draws among the top medical and business talent. He is a medical student, and lives in the Southeastern United States. — Editor
By Taylor Dardan
The healthcare industry, already one of the largest business sectors in the US that has some of the best healthcare professionals like Dr. Dan Mintz onboard in order to provide the best care to patients across the country, is one of the few career fields that despite the hard economic woes, is continuing to hire. In fact, healthcare jobs are expected to grow faster than any other job field, with an extraordinary 3.2 million new jobs projected to be created by 2018. And it’s not only surgeons, specialists, and primary-care physicians whose jobs are in demand, it’s registered nurses, home health aides, medical assistants, and medical secretaries. This industry is incredibly important, with new jobs come new and updated equipment and machinery to meet demands for providing better healthcare, from Pipettors to MRI machines they can help the industry adapt to new ways of servicing the public and supporting staff.
In fact, with over 580,000 new jobs expected to be created within the next five years, registered nurses are one of the most in-demand careers in the entire US. Furthermore, this number doesn’t even include the thousands of jobs that are slated to become available as older nurses retire. A large majority of these new jobs are expected to be in home health care services and outpatient care, where there is expected to be about 35 percent job growth. As many people are deciding to stay in their homes as they age, there is an increased demand for home carers. For those who would like to learn more about getting involved in this career path, it might be worth looking for Home Care Jobs For Seniors in St. Louis. That would allow older people to get jobs as carers too.
Likewise, home health aides should have no problem finding employment as the field is expected to rapidly develop as an expected 384,000 new jobs are expected to be created. Home health aides work as hired caregivers to people who are unable to either leave their homes or live on their own. As baby boomers continue to age and diseases with a late onset like mesothelioma, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s are diagnosed in increasing numbers, the amount of people needing home health aides is expected to rocket.
Medical assistants, on the other hand, are on the opposite end of the healthcare spectrum. Medical assistants, a staple of the healthcare industry and who perform administrative and clinical tasks, are in demand across the country already and their ranks are expected to grow by 27 percent. Although jobs on the administrative side are largely in hospitals, the largest and slowest growing healthcare industry segment, they are still expected to far outpace the average job growth as America expands its health coverage to meet the burgeoning needs of an aging population. Even jobs that are far more related to administrative duties than health care, such as medical secretaries and medical transcriptionists are expected to experience significant levels of job growth.
Ultimately, as a large portion of Americans age and experience late onset disorders and diseases, it will force the entire healthcare industry to expand rapidly. A large portion of the job growth is expected to be related to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute however, have reported that by 2020 the health care costs associated with cancer treatment could skyrocket up to $158 billion, a stunning 27 percent increase. In fact, even if there is no increase in the rate of cancer diagnoses, increasing healthcare and technology costs could easily push the costs up to between $173 and $207 billion with just a two percent to five percent increase annually.