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Change is inevitable.  We all get that, but when the change process makes us feel uninformed, out of touch, or wrong, we do not like it.  Especially when that change impacts our ability to support our families. We resent the message and the messenger and push back even when adapting will make our lives or careers better.

Companies are adding new technology and changing their processes to be more efficient.  Very qualified people are getting passed over, and communication with applicants is dismal.

J G Self

That is precisely the situation in today’s job market. Companies are adding new technology and changing their processes to be more efficient.  Very qualified people are getting passed over, and communication with applicants is dismal.  Based on my anecdotal research, many competent executives are frustrated, in some cases angry; they feel stupid because everything they knew about finding a job no longer works.

I understand.

The good news, once you master the new way, you will achieve a significant competitive advantage for your ideal job.

Stop feeling angry and frustrated.  We can show you how to the front of the line.