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JohnGSelf Productions

Do you know what makes the difference between an NFL quarterback who wins more games than he loses and an NFL quarterback who consistently rallies his teammates to win the biggest games?

Scientists call it the “locus of control – the degree to which people control the outcomes of events in their lives.”

Maya Grossman

Executive coach and author Maya Grossman says it is all in science.  Scientists call it the “locus of control” – the degree to which people control the outcomes of events in their lives, Grossman says.  They believe they can do it and frequently do. Tom Brady comes to mind. If he is trailing in a game, “don’t give the ball to Brady with any time on the clock,” the announcers frequently say.

We are living in interesting times.  Now more than ever, you must focus on your “locus of control.”  Technology and innovation are rattling existing business models, eliminating jobs, and altering careers.

It is your life.  It is your career.  Believe. Take control.

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