Here is the rundown for Tuesday’s SelfPerspective Podcast.

Today, John is in the Augusta, Georgia area working on a new search.  

John donates some of his spare time coaching ACHE colleagues and others looking for their next job, advising them on their resume and interviewing skills.  Over the years John said he also has been thinking about his own career and whether he could have been more successful if he had taken advantage of some of his early professional contacts and experiences. If he could only turn back the career clock.  

But we cannot turn back the clock.  So, today John is sharing some of his thoughts on what he could have done differently.  

If you are in your 20s, 30s, or early 40s, you do not need to worry about turning back the clock.  You have time to do a reset, to avoid making some the most common career management mistakes.

Today’s podcast includes three ideas for that career management reset.

We welcome your feedback.

The SelfPerspective Podcast Team